Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

Interesting Facts You Definitely Never Knew About Food Cravings

Some women cannot do without their food. They want to eat chocolates all the time and once they get started they cannot stop until they have consumed everything. If this describes you, then take some time to find out more about the 5 things you definitely never knew about food craving. This knowledge can help you overcome your food cravings.

The first thing that you should understand is that your craving for food does not always relate to what the body is lacking. There are many theories about why people crave for food. It could be certain chemicals in the brain or it could be hormonal changes and it can also be your eating habits and your genes may also make you want to crave for food all the time. Mostly, craving for food is a mental state that is often triggered by boredom and stress as well as because of sadness. Knowing the kinds of foods that make you crave after them the most can help you understand your emotional needs.
Secondly, there is no harm done if every once in a while you give in to your food cravings. Even if you are trying to weight loss programs there is nothing wrong with giving in to your food cravings. If you try to resist eating food to lose weight you could end up wanting to indulge in binge eating which will not only defeat your mission to lose weight but also make you eat more than you should. Indulging in your food cravings once in a while is not bad especially if you only eat in small portions.
North Americans crave for chocolates the most. This might not comes as any big surprise to you but it is still not known for sure why so many people in North America crave for chocolates so much. It could be because chocolates release certain chemicals in the brain or because they contain caffeine or magnesium. If you want to curb your chocolate cravings then you should take a brisk walk for about fifteen minutes as this will stabilize the chemicals in your brain and regulate your mood as well as food cravings.
People who love sugar only need a little bit of it to satisfy their food cravings. As soon as you put some sugar on your tongue it will release certain chemicals that will stop your food cravings. Sugar acts like a pacifier to the brain and its effects are going to last for a few moments only.

One simple way of curbing your food cravings is by cutting down on your salt intake. We crave for food because of what we have been used to eating. Most of us like foods because of its taste and much of the taste that we like is related to salt. Salt can become as addictive to a person as drugs. So, cutting down on salt intake can help these people quell their cravings for food. One way to cut down your salt intake is by eating smaller portions of salty food. This will help you feel satisfied and it will also help you overcome your food cravings.

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